The graduation animated film by Izumi Yoshida entitled "Kinki" has gained the first award. It was the jury of Croatian Split Film Festival that decided to award the film by Yoshida.
On the last festival's day the jury gave the Special Award to the young graduate of the Polish National Film School in Łodź. On awarding the film the jury gave the following explanation: "we give the Special Award to "Kinki" for a brave use of camera, music and sound in composing abstract film language of poetic character and wonderful sense of textures".
"Kinki" is an abstract animated film that combines the genres of horror and psychological thriller. The main character, a murderer, records images in his mind which he then uses to reconstruct his crimes. This film attempts to contemplate the real objects (set here and now), which are completely different from the distorted images stored in the killers mind. The matter that surrounds this character, and which he knows so well, is unreal and dreamlike thus unrecognizable. The murderer is devoid of any criteria that would allow him to identify and separate his mental image from reality. Then, slowly, fragments of the images begin to come together forming a logical whole, from which we find out that the murderer is also the victim.
This is a fist award for the film produced by Fumi Studio.
It is worth to add that another Polish film was screened as a part of the Split Film Festival competition this year – "Summer 2014" by Wojciech Sobczyk.
Festival in Split is the oldest Croatian festival of an international importance. The 20th, jubilee edition was held between 12th and 19th September.
More on the festival can be found on its website