The animated short film by Adela Kaczmarek has once again earned recognition on the international festival circuit. This time, the short production received a special mention at the Dutch Mountain Film Festival.

The Dutch Mountain Film Festival is dedicated to mountain and outdoor films. The festival showcases a diverse array of productions – from documentaries and reportage to fiction films – all of which capture the beauty and challenges associated with life in the mountains. The festival's programme extends beyond screenings, offering workshops, meet-and-greets with filmmakers, and events promoting an active lifestyle. This annual gathering is a meeting place for cinema buffs, nature lovers, and adventure seekers, providing them with an unforgettable experience in a truly remarkable atmosphere.

The recognised Magda by Adela Kaczmarek tells the story of the titular Magda (15), a teenage skier. She joins the Polish resistance and helps smuggle documents and fugitives through the mountains to Slovakia. One day, she learns that a group of 23 pilots urgently need to cross the border because the Gestapo is onto them. She devises a risky plan to lure the Nazis her way, thus letting the pilots sneak by unnoticed. Unfortunately, the Germans are experienced skiers too, able to shoot and reload their guns while skiing at high speeds. Magda must take a chance as she rushes through the snow and into the forest.

The list of all awarded films can be found here.