The animated film by Zofia Klamka has been named best short film at Lithuania's Scanorama festival.

Scanorama, one of the most prominent and prestigious film festivals in the Baltics, is held annually in Lithuania. The event showcases European art house cinema, with a particular focus on original, auteur-driven productions and films that have garnered accolades at international festivals. Scanorama's programme encompasses screenings of feature-length fiction films, documentaries, and short films, alongside thematic sections devoted to the latest trends in cinema.

The winning SHEEP OUT tells the tale of a pedantic animator leading a regimented life, shuttling solely between home and work. Mired in lethargy, she withdraws from the outside world until she stumbles upon a picture of a sheep. Through a series of absurd events, this discovery jolts her out of her apathy.

This symbolic story about confronting one's fears is loosely inspired by Haruki Murakami's novel A Wild Sheep Chase.

To find out who are the other winners of the Lithuanian event, go here.