The animated film by Karolina Kajetanowicz received a special award for the best student production at Anim'est in Romania.

ANIM’EST International Animation Film Festival was established in 2006 and immediately won the sympathy of Bucharest's residents. With six competitive sections, the festival is a stage for animated films from around the world, as well as music videos and VR projects. In addition to film screenings, the festival also hosts concerts, workshops, industry meetings, and discussion panels.

The awarded "Green" by Karolina Kajetanowicz was producted at the Łódź Film School.

Roadside greenery is no man's land. Created to be driven past, not to be in. Geometrical and artificially delimited but overgrown by weeds – does it belong to man or to nature? The same goes for your Body. You drag it through life instead of being in it. Become it. I made this film to let your senses rest between real movies. To let your Body take a nap. Sweet dreams, second Body. I love you.

A list of all awarded films can be found here.