The animated film by Jola Bańkowska was recognised during this year's edition of the ABIFF festival in Romania.
ABIFF - International Animation Film Festival is a rather unusual event that runs almost all year round in various forms. From workshops, meetings with filmmakers to screenings of animated films from around the world.
This year's festival programme featured a rather large set of Polish animated films. In addition to Jola Bańkowska's winning film you could also see: “Vitae Azilia” by Joanna Wapniewska, “The Little Soul” by Barbara Rupik, “Observation Point” by Aleksander Józefczyk, “Red Light Train” by Alicja Kot, “Bless You!” by Paulina Ziółkowska, “The Notebook” by Aleksandra Rylewicz, “Norma” by Agata Mianowska, “Colaholic” by Marcin Podolec, “Masterclass” by Ewa Drzewicka, Dominika Fedko, Weronika Kuc, Małgorzata Jachna, Małgorzata Jędrzejec, Aleksandra Rylewicz, and Grażyna Trela, “My Strange Elder Brother” by Julia Orlik, “Portrait of Suzanne” by Izabela Plucińska, “Metro” by Natalia Krawczuk, and “The Hunt” by Mateusz Jarmulski.
The awarded “Story” is an ironic sequence of a dozen or so scenes about how everyday life interweaves with the digital world. Viewed through a “story”, a popular format on most social media today, it depicts people who are lonely, lost, and sometimes already indifferent to the reality around them.
You can learn more about the festival here.