The short fiction film by Andrzej Cichocki, "The Shadow Forest," won the Emerging Artist Honourable Mention at the Taos Shortz Film Fest. The festival was held from 18 to 22 March.

March abounds with awards for films made by students of the Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia. Last weekend turned out to be lucky for Andrzej Cichocki, whose short fiction "The Shadow Forest" was appreciated by the jury of the Taos Shortz Film Fest held in New Mexico, USA. The film won the Emerging Artist Honourable Mention.

One of the main characters of “The Shadow Forest” while hunting a wolf in a primordial forest, is startled by the sound of guns firing. Suddenly, in an explosion of movement there are people running, one of whom, a small boy, gets lost in the sinister forest. Even the wolves are overwhelmed by a sense of the impending danger.

The Taos Shortz festival was held from 18 to 22 March, and over 150 short films from 34 countries were screened there. The jury of this year's edition was composed of: Wendy Shuey, Kathleen Broyles, Kathy Fitzgerald, Kelly Clement, Ben Lewin and David Jean Schweizer.

You can find more information here, and the full list of award-winning films - here.