The approaching end of the year induces to the first summing-up, so the festival December promises to be much more relaxed for our short films. Though there will not be as many festivals this month as before, Polish films still have a chance to win the last awards this year.

Today, the 30th edition of the Tous Courts festival begins in French Aix-en-Provance. 1/10 out of sixty competition films are Polish! The following qualified to the competition: short fiction "Frozen Stories" by Grzegorz Jaroszuk, "The Lake" by Jacek Piotr Bławut, "Drawn from memory" by Marcin Bortkiewicz, "Normal people" by Piotr Złotorowicz, documentary "Next" by Adam Janisch and animated "Noise" by Przemek Adamski. We will learn the names of the winners on 8 December.

Also today, the Animateka festival in Slovenian Ljubljana begins - one of the most interesting animation festivals in the region. In the programme, Polish animations will not be missing - as many as nine films will compete for the festival's Grand Prix - "Afternoon" by Izabela Plucińska, "Distance" by Marcin Wojciechowski, "What happens when children don't eat soup" by Paweł Prewencki, "Paper box" by Zbigniew Czapla, "Once there was a king" by Tytus Majerski, "Kinefaktura" by Marcin Giżycki, "Spirits of the piano" by Magdalena Osińska and "Agnieszka" by Izabela Bartosik-Burkhardt produced in co-operation with France. In the student film competition, Maja Tetłak and her "Games" will represent Poland, while the Slovenian audience will watch  "Loading" by Zofia Mikołajczak, "The Constructor" by Tessa Moult-Milewska and "Squarified" by Michał Mróz in the film panorama. Polish films take part in the Animateka programme every year, but our representation has never been so numerous before.

Polish short films can also be found in the additional catalogues of four festivals, which take place in the first half of December. Slovenian Student and Video Festival will show "Written in ink" by Martin Roth, which slowly ends its impressive, festival year,  Spanish Almeria en Corto invited 4-minute long "The Detail" by Piotr Sułkowski while in the competition at Belgian Leuven "A porter from Mewa hotel" by Michał Janow will be shown. Three short documentary films: "My father Lazaro" by Marcin Filipowicz, "Decerescendo" by Marta Minorowicz and "Paparazzi" by Piotr Bernaś will be shown by the Chinese GZDOC.

Keeping our fingers crossed for December festivals, we wait for the new year.

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