The ShorTS International Film Festival has just ended, and two Polish animations have been noticed by the local jury

ShorTS International Film Festival, like many other festivals was held online this year. All events were broadcast directly from the studio in Trieste and were available on social media and on the festival's website. Despite the specific formula, the Italian festival dedicated to short films met with very good feedback from viewers.

The "Story" animation received a special distinction. Jola Bańkowska's film is an ironic sequence of a dozen or so scenes about the merging of everyday life with the digital world. Viewed through "story", a feature popular today on most social media, it depicts lonely and lost people, who sometimes become indifferent to the surrounding reality.

In turn, Piotr Milczarek's film was noticed by teenage viewers and left the Italian event with the Shorter Teens Award.

"The Rain" is a light, short animated film about collective consciousness. That the lack of any responsibility for our own actions means that we follow the crowd thoughtlessly, which can lead to a tragedy. It is also a film about an individual's attempt to fight the collective hypnosis and the consequences of that  faced both by her and the crowd.

A list of all awarded films can be found here.