The trilogy-ending film by Marta Pajek has just received a special mention at the European Animated Film Festival BALKANIMA in Serbia.
BALKANIMA is the European Animated Film Festival held annually in Belgrade. The organisers include a wide selection of Serbian and Balkan productions from the past year, but what attracts attention are the international competitions, which showcase films from all over Europe.
The awarded Impossible Figures and Other Stories I by Marta Pajek take place right after a big bang in a deserted city where only a few seniors are left alive. The protagonist of the film, an old woman, walks the streets of the empty city with difficulty. She is surrounded by facades of empty houses with geometrically divided planes, monuments that reminiscent of past victories that are now completely meaningless and dead mannequins in store windows. The memories of those who will never come back to the city come back in short flashes. The first part of Marta Pajek's triptych is a post-apocalyptic vision of the world in which man and his existence mean no more than a fraction of a second. The trilogy is based on the concept of impossible figures.
You can learn more about the festival here.