The picture is the screen adaptation of the myth about Arachne. However, it does not present the history in a traditional way, but rather puts a new face to the myth that brings deep content that can help young people in a different perception of
the world. The myth of Arachne is not just a simple story about spiders, but an image showing an important social problem of excessive competition called the "rat race" that is often observed among young people. It often leads to an irreversible tragedy.
- animation
- Poland
- 5'
- 2018
- colour
- Gabi Bania
- Gabi Bania
- Gabi Bania
- Liceum Filmowe - Warszawska Szkoła Filmowa
Gabi Bania »
Gabi Bania’s greatest passion is creating animated films, that is a field in which she was self-taught.
Since 2018, short films made and directed by her have been presented and awarded at over 200 different festivals and film reviews in over 30 countries around the world, including Canada, Australia, France, Japan and China, winning over 40 awards and getting first places in the USA, Brazil, Poland and the Czech Republic.
In her animated films, she presents important social problems of the modern world – e.g. hate and excessive competition, ecology, trauma related to the difficult past, loneliness and longing, transience, reconciling passion with work, the presence and importance of women in art, as well as Polish native culture, often referring to works from the time of Polish Romantic era.
Currently, she is an MA Animation student at the University of South Wales.
In July 2023 she graduated from the BA (Hons) Computer Animation course at USW with First Class Honours with specialization in 3D character animation.
In 2020 she finished Film High School with Bilingual Departments at the Warsaw Film School in Poland graduating from a director & cinematographer course.
In November 2023, she became the winner of the national "Young Polish Woman" competition in the "Culture and Art" category, being the only person in the program creating animated films.
In 2021, as the first international student and the first creator of the animated films, she became a laureate of the "Hothouse" program organized by the Irish "Fresh International Film Festival".
She also writes texts, including film scripts, stories, and poetry, deals with large format drawing and painting, creates artistic photos and photobooks.
She has also given many educational presentations to primary and secondary schools, sharing her work, and talking about the inspirations from the Romantic era and Greek mythology, which are often present in her animated films and other artistic projects.
Currently, she develops her skills in the field of 3D computer animation and works on two new animated films in 3D and 2D computer animation techniques.
- STUFFit Student Film Festival, Australia, (competition)
- Rassegna Internazionale Cinema Archeologico, Italy, (competition)
- Camera Zizanio, Greece, (competition)
- International Children's Film Festival, India, (competition)
- ENIMATION Festival, Slovenia, 2020 (competition)
- Anim!Arte – International Student Animation Festival of Brazil, Brazil, 2021 (competition)
- Animae Caribe International Animation & Digital Media Festival, Trinidad & Tobago, 2021 (competition)