Object is a creative and abstract image of a underwater search. The action takes place in the dimensions of two worlds – ice desert and underwater. The story is told from the point of view of the rescue team, of the diver entering the underwater all covered by ice, and of the ordinary people awaiting on the shore.
- documentary
- Poland
- 15'
- 2015
- Paulina Skibińska
- Paulina Skibińska
- DOP:
- Jakub Stolecki, Adam Wasiak, Grzegorz Zubowicz, Krzysztof Wiszniewski, Piotr Czechowicz, Arkadiusz Ostrowski
- Katarzyna Boniecka
- Katarzyna Szczerba
- Stowarzyszenie Filmowców Polskich - Studio Munka , Studio Puk Katarzyna Szczerba
Paulina Skibińska »
Paulina Skibińska, born in 1987 in Kowary, near Jelenia Góra, Poland, graduated from the Post-Secondary Studio of Culture Animation in Wrocław (2009), film specialization. She earned her M.A. degree in screenwriting at the Łódź Film School (2014), where she is now pursuing her Ph.D. studies. Being a screenwriter of numerous internationally awarded short fiction and animated films, e.g. “Gyros Dance”, “Http://”, “The Kiss”, “48hTV”. She is the author of the award-winning worldwide documentary “Object” (won Special Jury Award at Sundance Film Festival 2015). She is the only Polish scholar of the prestigious Eastman-Kodak Scholarship. F5 magazine put her name on the list of the 10 most promising filmmakers of the younger generation.
- True/False FF, USA, 2015 (screening)
- 17th International Eskisehir Film Festival, Turkey, 2015 (screening)
- 23rd Curtas Vila do Conde Film Festival, Portugal, 2015 (screening)
- IDFF "Flahertiana", Russia, 2015 (screening)
- 7th Baghdad International Film Festival, Iraq, 2015 (screening)
- 18th CinemAmbiente – Environmental FF, Italy, 2015 (screening)
- 24th dokumentART European Film festival for Documentaries, Germany , 2015 (screening)
- 31st Warsaw Film Festival, Poland, 2015 (screening)
- Riga International FF, Latvia, 2015 (screening)
- Play Poland Film Festival, United Kingdom, 2015 (screening)
- "Cinema Verite" Iran International Documentary FF, Iran, 2015 (screening)
- 22nd International Short Film Week Regensburg, Germany, 2016 (screening)
- 20th REGARD - Festival international du court métrage au Saguenay, Canada, 2016 (screening)
- 28th Filmfest Dresden, Germany, 2016 (screening)
- 10th PICURT - Mostra de Cinema de Muntanya dels Pirineus, Spain, 2016 (screening)
- ShorTS - International Film Festival, Italy, 2016 (screening)
- 24th Curtas Vila do Conde, Portugal, 2016 (screening)
- 12th Reykjavik International Film Festival, Iceland, 2016 (screening)
- 16th Escales Documentaires - International Festival of Creative Documentary, France, 2016 (screening)
- DOCfeed International Documentary Festival Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2017 (screening)
- Kyiv International Short Film Festival 2017, Ukraine, 2017 (screening)
- Cisterna Film Festival, Italy, 2017 (screening)
- 6th Iran International Green Film Festival, Iran, 2017 (screening)
- 34th Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival, Germany, 2017 (screening)
- Bogotá Short Film Festival BOGOshorts, Colombia, 2017 (screening)
- Tampere Film Festival 2018, Finland, 2018 (screening)
- Film Festival Film Night at the Castle 2018, Slovakia, 2018 (screening)
- MFFK Febiofest Bratislava, Slovakia, 2019 (screening)
- 27th European Film Festival Palić, 2020, Serbia, 2020 (screening)
- Sundance Film Festival, USA, 2015 (A Short Film Special Jury Award for Visual Poetry)
- 37th Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival, France, 2015 (competition)
- 45th Tampere Film Festival, Finland, 2015 (Diploma of Merit (Documentary))
- 20th Vilnius International Film Festival, Lithuania , 2015 (Special Mention)
- Fort Myers Film Festival, USA, 2015 (competition)
- Florida Film Festival, USA, 2015 (competition)
- Sarasota Film Festival, USA, 2015 (competition)
- 27th Minimalen Short Film Festival, Norway, 2015 (competition)
- IndieLisboa – International Independent FF 2015, Portugal, 2015 (competition)
- Docville, Belgium, 2015 (competition)
- Seattle International FF, USA, 2015 (competition)
- Nashville Film Festival, USA, 2015 (competition)
- VIS Vienna Independent Shorts 2015, Austria, 2015 (competition)
- 55th Krakow Film Festival, Poland, 2015 (competition)
- Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia in Tokyo, Japan, 2015 (competition)
- Sheffield Doc/Fest, UK, 2015 (competition)
- 23rd Art Film Fest, Slovakia, 2015 (Special Mention)
- MakeDox, Macedonia, 2015 (competition)
- Guanajuato International FF 2015, Mexico, 2015 (competition)
- 15th T-Mobile New Horizons IFF, Poland, 2015 (Special Mention)
- Filmcaravan, Italy, 2015 (competition)
- Melbourne International Film Festival 2015, Australia, 2015 (competition)
- 14th DokuFest IDSFF, Kosovo, 2015 (competition)
- Shorts Mexico 2015, Mexico, 2015 (competition)
- Camden International FF, USA, 2015 (Camden Cartel Award)
- 28th Helsinki Intl' Film Festival - Love & Anarchy, Finland, 2015 (competition)
- Calgary International FF, Canada, 2015 (competition)
- Crested Butte Film Festival, USA, 2015 (competition)
- Balinale - IFF, Indonesia, 2015 (competition)
- 25th Message to Man International FF, Russia, 2015 (Special Mention)
- Hamptons International FF, USA, 2015 (competition)
- 34th Uppsala International Short Film, Sweden, 2015 (competition)
- 17th European Film Festival en Essone Cinessone, France, 2015 (competition)
- 26th Ljubljana International Film Festival, Slovenia, 2015 (competition)
- RIDM – Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal, Canada, 2015 (competition)
- Sleepwalkers International Short Film Festival 2015, Estonia, 2015 (competition)
- International Bosphorus FF 2015, Turkey, 2015 (competition)
- IN THE PALACE International Short FF 2015, Bulgaria, 2015 (competition)
- Les Arcs European Film Festival, France, 2015 (competition)
- Tofino Film Festival, Canada, 2016 (competition)
- 22nd International Short Film Week Regensburg, Germany, 2016 (competition)
- 18th Mecal Pro - Barcelona International Short and Animation Festival, Spain, 2016 (competition)
- 54th Ann Arbor Film Festival, USA, 2016 (competition)
- GoShort - ISFF Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2016 (competition)
- PICURT - Mostra de Cinema de Muntanya dels Pirineus, Spain, 2016 (competition)
- Odense Film Festival 2016, Denmark, 2016 (competition)
- Indiecork, Ireland, 2016 (competition)
- Szczecin European Film Award, Poland, 2016 (competition)
- 28th Istanbul International Short Film Festival, Turkey, 2016 (competition)
- Tartu World Film Festival, Estonia, 2017 (competition)
- 6th Iran International Green FF, Iran, 2017 (competition)